It has been an absolute whirlwind since I last posted.
In fact, I felt like I had nothing to say in the beginning of the year. SHOCKING, I know! Anyway, now I have a ton.
First, I went to a signing this past weekend, and let me tell you....thank you Dallas for making me feel welcome. I loved meeting everyone who stopped by my table AND yes, I will continue to bring my signature lip glosses to every event. They are the biggest hit, and I'll tell you why....nothing like picking your own color. By the way, they're organic and all-natural glosses... in case you were worried.
I digress.
Second, the cover is out in the WILD for Dolce.
I know, so, so pretty!
I LOVE it only second to the actual story.
And that's about it for me. Oh, I have a few basketball games this week and a winter concert for my son's orchestra.
Which brings me to my third point. Dolce is up for preorder (99 cents/special price!) and Vérité is on sale for 99 cents so it's a regular bargain basement this month. But I know after the holidays, it is rough getting back on budget so I felt in my heart this was the right thing to do with pricing.
Finally, I have a handy dandy signed paperback store right now. ^^ Right up there under PURCHASE.