From time to time, you may have heard me saying something like, "If you liked my book, please leave a review where you purchased it or on Goodreads or both..."
And you probably think, "GOD, that Rachel is such an ego-maniac. First we have to buy her book and now we have to go write a review about her writing. How much ego-stroking does this lady need?'
I know it appears that way, but let me explain why reviews are important to any author, but especially an independent one. We [I] do all our own marketing. We make teasers, interact daily/hourly in Facebook and Goodreads reading groups, we love to talk to readers, and we take time every day to do all of this and more. It's time-consuming, and I'm sure it sounds like I'm whining, but I would not trade my relationships I have with readers for anything. Nothing. Not even my own Dunkin Donuts franchise.

But I also want to write more books and I can't keep up with everything, and this is where reviews come in. Reviews are really helpful marketing tools for authors. They live and breathe on the pages where readers visit to peruse and buy books. They are read by potential customers and influence their purchasing decisions. Yes, that was a mouthful, but basically, your kind [or not so kind] words help me promote my books, which let's face it––I appreciate that immensely. I spend a lot of time writing each and every title, and I want to share them with as many readers as possible.
An ego-trip is the furthest thing in the world that I want or need, but don't think that your reviews go unnoticed. I try to like, comment and touch base with as many reviewers as possible.
What did you say? You don't want your name associated with a romance review. NO problemo.
Reviews can be short, sweet and to the point. A quick little note, and if you don't want to include your name––that's cool. Just put Amazon Customer or Nook Lover or Reader Extraordinaire. You can call yourself whatever you want, and I don't even have to know it's you.

So far, today had been one of those oh-so-NOT-glamorous days, being an independent author. Mostly, I'm already pulling my hair out regarding uploading Redemption Lane to the various places you'll be able to buy it. Currently, it's stuck in review purgatory at iTunes and from what I hear, Amazon is running slow in approving titles. So, I'm panicking. All the while, I'm trying to rush getting the paperback approved because I know there are a number of you who prefer the feel, touch, and smell of a real book.
And even though all this seems so crappy, I'm super excited to share my latest title with YOU. Seeing your feedback after it releases lets me know my hard work was not for nothing.
At the moment, I look ghastly, and that's being generous. Still, I am about to publish my third book, and my stomach is a mix of nerves and mostly excitement.
So, if you happen to read Redemption Lane and enjoy it, please leave a quick note where you purchased it. And to those of you who have read my other titles and left a review -- THANK YOU! And if you haven't written one yet, you still CAN!
~ Rachel
p.s. Smoldered is on sale for 99 cents --> EXTENDED through the release of Redemption Lane on 2.19.15